



Spreading Hope, Faith, & Well-Being Through Benevolence & Community Resources

Outreach Spotlight

On Friday, September 16, 2022, The North Clinton Ave. Benevolence Project sponsored its “Meet and Greet” pre-launch event at its corporate headquarters, 434 N. Clinton Ave.,Trenton which showcased its upcoming free bi-monthly laundry service to all Trenton residents.

Mercer County, New Jersey

Benevolence is our Strength, Change is our Hope

Our commitment is to bring positive and sustainable change to the Trenton, NJ community. This is done through benevolence outreach programs, which strengthens families and individuals, and ends in change.

Outreach programs are statistically proven to have positive impact in our communities. Through our outreach programs, families get fed, children are provided with toys & a safe haven for education and play, free laundry service is provided to those in need, and much more. 

Heres a list of our most thriving programs:


Our benevolence and outreach provides strength to those in need.


Through strength and empowerment, the hope for positive change is within our grasp.


Change is experienced and realized in the lives that we serve. What was hoped for now becomes reality.

Goal $100,000

This is our annual fundraising goal for year 2023.

Over 10,000 Served

This reflects the amount of people served from our benevolent outreach activities.

You can make a difference

Donations Change Lives

Our diverse outreach programs are aimed at strengthening families and individuals. Supporting our cause translates to healthy community activities, hearts of gratitude, summer camp participation and fun activities for children, meals and clothing for the less fortunate and much more.

Know that your donations count!

If you are looking to become a Community Partner, please contact us using the form below.

Raise money for charity and personal cause

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